I was catching up and reading blogs today and they all made me think of appropriate words for the year. I can think of a few for myself that would fit but wouldn't be too helpful to the esteem which always needs a huge dose of help. So I'm thinking that because I always procrastinate or think about things too long, that my word needs to be "DO". Yup, just "DO!" If I could actually "DO" something artful everyday without over thinking it or procrastinating, if I will DO just one cleaning/uncluttering thing a day, it might be amazing what I can accomplish. If I would just make myself "DO" something each day or at least once a week that I'm scared to "DO" or think I can't "DO", then what possibilities might open up to me.
Maybe the self-esteem will appear a little at a time, maybe the anxieties will fade, maybe I'll decide I am somebody and really "DO" have a life. Maybe.....I just have to "DO" one little baby step at a time and if I can "DO" that then next year I'll be happy to choose the word "DID"!
I read Sharon/Norah'S post a little while ago. I got so tickled reading because she reminded me of something I do constantly but always lose. Finding faces or creatures on the wall, floor, clothing, everywhere and anywhere. I love watching the fluffy clouds and how they morph into faces, bodies and creatures, but I seem to never have a camera or pencil & paper ready when I see them. There's one room where I spend a lot of time thanks to nature and a tummy that gets upset at the least thing.....the bathroom! And while I sit there, it never fails that I find a face or creature in the tiles on the floor, the patterns on the wall, the towels or the latest one that I lost now....the little hallway rug! I'm always tempted to jump off the
So it's nearly 3 pm and I have that mail art to start on and I want to do a altered words/altered thoughts page, too. I'm going to grab another book from the pile and pull the pages to work on them and do them following the rules and guidelines on Campbell Jane's page. If you don't visit her already, go here : http://www.alteredpages.blogspot.com/ . In the Readers Digest Condensed book I work in now, I'm leaving the pages in, even though it does make it hard to work on some pages because as I've shown I work with different colored pens and some paint here and there and then add images if I'm so inclined at the end. So this will be faster and easier doing some pages Campbell Jane's way. I adore all her work, btw, not just these pages.
I'm off to "DO" it, now!